Question: 1 / 335

What terms would best describe the most effective way to retain or memorize information?

Look, listen, feel

Sympathy, empathy, apathy

Concentration, association, repetition

The most effective way to retain or memorize information involves a three-step process: concentration, association, and repetition. Let's break these down. Concentration refers to the ability to focus completely on the material or information at hand. It means blocking out distractions and giving your full attention to what you're trying to learn. This is a critical first step because without focusing on the material, you won't be able to move onto the next steps in the process. Association is a powerful technique in memory retention that involves connecting new information to something you already know. This might involve tying a fact to a familiar event or object, creating a visual image, or using a mnemonic. Association helps your brain create stronger and more meaningful connections, making it easier to recall the information later. Repetition is the act of reviewing or practising the information over and over again. This can take many forms, including flashcards, self-testing, or simply writing out the information multiple times. Repetition helps to strengthen the neural pathways in your brain associated with the information, making it easier to retrieve when needed. Therefore, 'Concentration, association, repetition' are the terms that best describe the most effective way to retain or memorize information.

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